Build a TODO app

You can deploy a sample TODO application on Simplifyd in just a few steps.

The sample app is deployed at

Link your GitHub account by following the steps specified here. Simplifyd generates a unique ID to identify your Git account. Run the following command to confirm your the unique ID for your Git account:

simplifyd list gitAccounts
Fork the front end sample project for the TODO app on Github at

Create a new project on the Simplifyd CLI by specifying the following command:

simplifyd create project 
Specify the following attributes:

  • a name for the project
  • set the region to nga-west-1
  • leave the environment variables blank since we won't be using environment variables for the frontend app

Create a new app in the project created in the step above:

simplifyd create app
Specify the following attributes:

  • a name for the app
  • the project name from the step above
  • set app type to react
  • the Git repo. This should be speicified in the format git-username/repo-name. This is the forked repo and should be available in the specified Git account from the step above
  • the branch
  • the Git Account ID. This is the ID generated in the first step above

Deploy the app with the following command:

simplifyd deploy app
Specify the following attributes:

  • the app name indicated above
  • the project name indicated above
  • specify a runner. For this example a nano runner would do just fine

Run the following command to create a managed MongoDB database needed for the back end:

simplifyd create datastore 

Specify the following attributes:

  • a name for the database
  • a project name. This should be identical to the project name specified for the app above
  • datastore type. In this case that should be mongodb since we are creating a MongoDB database
  • runner. This should be any of the valid Simplifyd runner types [nano, micro, milli, kilo, mega, giga, tera]
  • disk size.

Fork the back end sample project for the TODO app on Github at

Create a new app in the project created from the step above:

  • specify a name for the app
    • set app type to golang
    • specify the Git account (this could be one of the following: [Github | Bitbucket | Gitlab]) where you forked the repo to.
    • specify the repo URL. This should be the URL of the forked repo and should be available in the specified Git account from the step above.
  • modify the middleware/middleware.go file with the proper environment variables so that the backend can communicate with the newly created MongoDB database.
  • deploy the app:
    • specify a runner. For this example a nano runner would do just fine

To view your apps and vanity URL, run the following command:

simplifyd list apps --project [project-name]

That’s it! Your TODO app built in React for the frontend, Go for the backend and MongoDB as a database will be live on your Simplifyd vanity URL as soon as the build finishes. You can always specify a custom domain/URL. Check the Custom Domains section for how to do that.

If you experience any issues please post an issue on the Simplifyd Slack channel.