edge --version |
Display the version of installed Simplifyd Cloud CLI. |
edge auth register |
Sign up for a Simplifyd account from the terminal. |
edge auth login |
Log in to your Simplifyd account from the terminal. |
edge auth logout |
Log out from your Simplifyd account from the terminal. |
edge whoami |
Get info about the signed in user. |
edge fund |
Fund your account. |
edge deploy |
Deploy an app. This command triggers the build process. Once the build artifact has been created, it is deployed and a vanity URL is provided to view the app. This command results in the consumption of build minutes if the build runs on a remote Simplifyd build server. It also results in the consumption of credits as the app runs. This command would fail if your account isn't adequately funded. |
edge undeploy |
Unpublish an already deployed app. This command takes the app offline and removes the vanity URL. The app is no longer reachable on the internet. Billing is paused for the app as no resources are being consumed. |
edge destroy |
Undeploy an app across all environments if already deployed and then delete it. This operation is irreversible. |
edge get apps |
List all apps |
edge get app |
Get detailed info about a specific app |
edge get cpuUsage |
Display the current CPU usage for a deployed app |
edge get memUsage |
Display the current memory usage for a deployed app |
edge add domains |
Add custom domains to an already deployed app. This command requires that you've setup your DNS settings correctly with a CNAME pointed to the Simplifyd specified domain. |
edge delete domain |
This command removes a custom domain from an app. Once complete, the app ceases to be available at the custom domain. |
edge get logs |
This command retrieves the logs your deployed app sends to STD OUT. |
edge git connect |
Link a Git (Github, GitLab, BitBucket) account to your Simplifyd Cloud account. This makes it easy to deploy apps from Git. This command opens up a browser for you to perform the authentication and approval with the Git provider. |
edge git disconnect |
Unlink a Git (Github, GitLab, BitBucket) account from your Simplifyd Cloud account. This means Simplifyd Cloud would no longer be alerted by your Git provider of any changes to your repo and can no longer access your Git account to deploy apps. |
edge get gitAccounts |
List all linked Git (Github, GitLab, BitBucket) accounts. |
edge get gitRepos |
List all repos for a linked Git (Github, GitLab, BitBucket) account. |
edge get regions |
List all regions you can deploy an app to. |
edge get runners |
List all supported runner configurations. |
edge get wallet |
Show your wallet including its balance. |
edge get status |
Get status of current directory. If the current directory contains source code for an app, detailed information would be displayed about the status of the app. |
edge get teamMembers |
List all added team members in your org. |
edge add teamMember |
Add a team member to your org. |
edge support |
Chat with a Simplifyd Support engineer. |