
You can deploy a Go application on Simplifyd with just one command.

A sample app for this quick start is deployed at https://go-gin.simplifyd.app.

The example application uses the popular Go Gin web framework to demonstrate deploying a Go web application on Simplifyd. Other popular Go web frameworks should work exactly the same.

The Edge CLI is a prerequisite. To install, follow the instructions outlined here: https://docs.simplifyd.com/cli-installation

  • Fork the sample project on Github at https://github.com/simplifyd-examples/golang-gin-web-server
  • From the directory you cloned the repo to the following command: edge deploy


That’s it! Your Go web service will be live on your Simplifyd vanity URL as soon as the build finishes. You can always specify a custom domain/URL. Check the "adding a custom domain" section for how to do that.