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Simplifyd Blob

Simplifyd Blob is an S3 compatible Object Storage. You can use your existing code as is. All you need to change are the URL, Secret and Access Keys with those provided by Simplifyd Blob.

Create a Simplifyd Blob bucket

To create a Simplifyd Blob bucket run the following CLI command:

simplifyd create bucket

Provide the bucket name and region. The Access and Secret Keys would be shown immediately. It's important to note however that the Secret key would never be shown again. Therefore, save the Secret key.

Upload a file to the bucket

To upload a file from your filesystem to the just created bucket, run the following CLI command:

simplifyd upload object
Provide the bucket ID and absolute file path. If successful, the file would now be saved in your bucket.

View all objects in a bucket

To view all files uploaded a bucket, run the following CLI command:

simplifyd list bucket

Provide the bucjet ID. If successful, all the objects in the bucket would be listed.

View all created buckets

To view all created buckets, run the following CLI command:

simplifyd list buckets
If successful, all created buckets will be listed with meta information such as created time and date, how many objects exist in each bucket, bucket URL etc.

View bucket info

To view a specific bucket, run the following CLI command:

simplifyd get bucket
If successful, information about the specified bucket is listed with meta information such as created time and date, how many objects exist in the bucket, bucket URL etc. Created Access keys for the bucket are also displayed with the Secret keys masked. It's important to note that there's no way to display/retrieve the Secret key associated with each Access key.