
PHP Laravel is a very popular PHP web framework. PHP Laravel is well supported on Simplifyd.

You can deploy a PHP Laravel application on Simplifyd in just a few steps.

A sample app for this quick start is deployed at

  • Fork the sample project on Github at
  • Create a new project on Simplifyd:
    • specify a name for the project
    • set the region to nga-west-1
    • Leave the environment variables blank since we won't be using environment variables in this example
  • Create a new app in the project created in the step above:
    • specify a name for the app
    • set app type to be laravel
    • specify the Git account (this could be one of the following: [Github Bitbucket Gitlab]) where you forked the repo to
    • specify the repo URL. This should be the URL of the forked repo and should be available in the specified Git account from the step above
  • Deploy the app:
    • specify a runner. For this example a nano runner would do just fine

That’s it! Your PHP Laravel web service will be live on your Simplifyd vanity URL as soon as the build finishes. You can always specify a custom domain/URL. Check the "adding a custom domain" section for how to do that.